We interviewed 500 recent Irish emigrants and asked them about their experiences. The only requirement was that people needed to have emigrated from Ireland at some stage since January 2009. All answers were collected in May 2014. None of the questions were mandatory so not all 500 people asked all of the questions of which there were 20.
66% of respondents were female and 33% were male. This is a stark finding from the survey. Why there was such difference in the level of participation between males and female is not clear but one could look to other research that suggests that females in general are more comfortable and willing to talk about their mental health.
The below table outlines the ages of participants with 75% being in the 24 to 35 age bracket and over 50% in the 24-29 bracket
Which category below includes your age?
Age | Response % | Response |
18-23 | 6.8%. | 34 |
24-29 | 51.5% | 256 |
30-35 | 26.4% | 131 |
36-40 | 8.5% | 42 |
40-50 | 5.4%. | 27 |
50 or older | 1.4%. | 7 |
answered question | 497 | |
skipped question | 3 |
The country of residence of participants in summarised below with a notably large number living in Australia.
In what country do you currently reside?
Country | Response % | Response |
UK | 17% | 76 |
Canada | 17% | 76 |
Australia | 49% | 223 |
USA | 6% | 27 |
New Zealand | 5.4%. | 16 |
Ireland | 4% | 34 |
Other | 12% | 53 |
answered question | 448 | |
skipped question | 52 |
Of the 53 other countries mentioned eight people are living in the United Arab Emirates, four each in Singapore and Belgium, three each in Zimbabwe and Germany, two in each of the following – Denamrk, China, Spain, France and Austria with one person each stating the following as their country of residence: Kuwait, Qatar, India, South Africa, Brazil, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Japan, Indonesia, Malta, Bermuda, Korea, Finland, Italy, Scotland, Holland, Sweden, Thailand, Northern Ireland and Sierra Leone. The year of departure was reasonably evenly spread over the five main years in question
What year did you depart Ireland?
Year | Response % | Response |
2009 | 22.2% | 108 |
2010 | 14.8% | 72 |
2011 | 17.7% | 86 |
2012 | 23.2% | 113 |
2013 | 17.0% | 83 |
2014 | 5.1% | 25 |
answered question | 487 | |
skipped question | 13 |
When do you expect to return to Ireland?
The most common answer and sentiment expressed in response to this question was one of uncertainty. 26% (124 of 475) of respondents stated that they didn’t know or were unsure as to when they would be returning to Ireland. While the majority of answers simply consisted of a ‘Don’t know’ or ‘Unsure’, some answers were more detailed and revealing:

The second most common response was that people stated they would never be returning to Ireland. Again answers were generally brief, but some revealed a little more:

Others were clearer about their year/date of return:
Year | Response % | Response |
2014 | 6% | 108 |
2015 | 11% | 72 |
2016 | 9.5% | 86 |
2017 | 4% | 113 |
2018 | 3% | 83 |
2019 | 4% | 25 |
2020 | 1% | 72 |
Date range | 7% | 86 |
Other | 7% | 113 |
Unsure | 26% | 83 |
Never | 15% | 25 |
7% of respondents suggested that they would be returning within a particular date range. There was a notable degree of uncertainty in many of these answers and a minimum of another five years away was also commonly mentioned:

A total of 21 people or 4% of respondents specifically stated that they would return once there were jobs available and/or the economy improved.

Other answers did not fit into any aforementioned category neatly or mentioned periods of 10 or 20 years. The following are some examples:

Available emotional support
In terms of your available emotional support while abroad how would you rate it compared to when you were in Ireland?
Answer | Response % | Response |
Much worse | 22.1% | 105 |
Somewhat worse | 29.9% | 142 |
About the same | 31.8% | 151 |
Somewhat better | 9.3% | 44 |
Much better | 6.9% | 33 |
answered question | 475 | |
skipped question | 25 |
Alcohol Intake
How would you describe the level of your alcohol in take compared to when you were in Ireland?
Answer | Response % | Response |
Much worse | 22.9% | 107 |
Somewhat worse | 18.6% | 91 |
About the same | 32.6% | 159 |
Somewhat better | 18.6% | 91 |
Much better | 8.2% | 40 |
answered question | 488 | |
skipped question | 12 |